Common Sleep Problems

Sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being, yet according to the National Sleep Foundation, 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from various forms of sleep disorder. Among the most common sleep disorders are:

●      Insomnia   

●      Hypersomnia

●      Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders

●      Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders


Insomnia is a sleep disorder many Americans face daily. The symptoms are characterized by taking a long time to fall asleep, not staying asleep during the night, and constantly waking up early in the mornings. For some people, stress or depression is a contributing cause of insomnia. While for others, it may be due to an underlying health condition.


Hypersomnia is a condition characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness. People with hypersomnia often have difficulty staying awake; they fall asleep during daily activities such as watching television or even driving. In addition, they may sleep for long periods during the day. Hypersomnia can be caused by medical conditions, medications, and sometimes unknown underlying causes.

Sleep Disordered Breathing

Sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBD) arise when individuals struggle to sleep due to breathing problems. The most common forms of SRBD are obstructive sleep apnea and snoring, in which the throat experiences partial or total airway collapse behind the tongue during sleep.

Sleep apnea includes pauses in breathing due to complete airway collapse and snorting to re-initiate normal breathing when the body's oxygen levels drop below the normal level. An apnea patient repeatedly jolts awake from oxygen deprivation throughout the night before falling back to sleep. Ultimately, this endless cycle affects the sleep quality of the patient and their bed partners. Even though many medical complications can cause obstructive sleep apnea, the disorder is treatable with the help of CPAP treatment.